This pool enjoys a unique setting on the Mediterranean in Greece, a place steeped in mythology and philosophy. Moved by this bright, vibrant landscape and our connection to this land that shaped modern thought, we wanted this pool to pay our own humble tribute to the thrill that took hold of us, while also respecting the site's geography.

A stirring sense of history

This Piscinelle lies in the grounds of a holiday home on the Island of Paxos (www.paxoszoe.com) in the Ionian Sea that laps the shores of the mythical Epirus. This name takes us back to our childhood days when we read Racine plays full of bloodshed and tears with tragedies and epic struggles all recounted in alexandrine verse. It evokes the tears shed by Andromache for Hector, the Trojan wars, the ingenuity of Ulysses who passed close to these shores during his odyssey, and this eternal sea where Icarus flew ever higher only to meet his end, a story permanently etched in our memories. It would be fair to say we were moved by this location.

A raz du plan d'eau de la piscine, avec un ciel tourmenté rappelant tout le noble passé des luttes mythologiques de cette Grèce éternelle,  on rêve de se laisser aller à de longues divagations sur les larmes d'Andromaque pour Hector et les désirs qui ont coûté à Icare de s'abîmer un peu plus bas.

Humbled by all this history that still shapes our daily lives, we attempted to add an exquisite touch to a setting that was already perfect without our efforts.

Our focus was on simplicity and joy. The pool would be our take on Euclid's mathematical precepts and Epicurus' extolment of the finer things in life 2,300 years on. The crisp lines, square of blue ideal for this pool, alluring setting with olive trees and cactuses, and water echoing the blue sea that stretches towards the horizon all create a picture that transports the observer merely by gazing at it. 

A stylish above-ground pool showcasing outstanding expertise

Above-ground pools are often seen as a last resort. However, in our customers' case, they chose this option to ensure that their pool blended in with a site that presented specific challenges. 

Here, the pool is technically installed above ground. This installation method was chosen for obvious reasons regarding integration. In terms of its look, the result by no means falls short of an inground pool. To achieve this sense of harmony, the Piscinelle double-skin aluminium structure was clad with traditional dry-stone walling. The pool is built on various tiers of terraced land as an extension to the house and also as a structure that emerges from the earth and thrusts out towards the sea and the navy blue horizon.

Customer feedback
"This is a laid-back, friendly place. As the finishing touch to this traditional house in a dream setting, we wanted to install a pool that blended in seamlessly with its surroundings and provided a nice place to relax without being too showy." 

Sur un terrain en pente entre une oliveraie et la mer ionique, la Piscinelle est installée en partie hors du sol.

The challenge of managing the pool's water pressure without natural earth to push against it and without pouring in tonnes of concrete was overcome with expertise that has been purposefully developed to enable installations that blend in harmoniously with their surroundings and are achievable in the most inaccessible locations.

In this project, the pool is positioned to look like an extension of the sea, as if a slice of the Mediterranean has been brought onto the island. Once immersed in the water, it feels like you're swimming in that vast expanse...

Lounging on the pool's chunky stone border, drying in the sun with the murmur of the sea below, it's a real thrill to let the mind wander and relive the adventures of those now-immortalised heroes of old. Among these echoes is a sentence addressed by Pylades to Orestes, which was uttered nearby several centuries ago: 

"Excuse this wretch that loses all he loves, whom the world hates; whom hatred moves." 
Jean Racine ; Andromaque, III, 1 (1667)


Technical details of this square above-ground pool in Greece:

For further information on the Zoe Paxos holiday home, click on this link: www.paxoszoe.com


View all photos of this square pool built overseas: 


Piscinelle an international pool manufacturer and builder 

Piscinelle operates internationally in countries including Greece, Belgium, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom and Italy.


Above-ground pools Grey liner Square pools

Last updated on 17/01/2022

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